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PMx samplers (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1) SWAM 5a-Dual Channel Monitors, FAI Instruments

Contact person:

Serena Trippetta

Teresa Laurita

PMx samplers

Two samplers are available.

Each PMx sampler is equipped with two independent sampling lines (PM10 -PM2.5 and PM2.5-PM1), allowing the simultaneous collection of PM fractions on independent filters whose mass is measured through the ß attenuation method, using a low activity 14C source (< 100 μCurie). The particulate collected on the filters is then subjected to analysis with two instruments placed inside the chemical laboratory: ICP-OES spectrophotometer for the determination of the qualitative and quantitative elemental composition of metals, OC/EC analyser for the quantification of organic carbon and carbon elementary.