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Scanning UV Raman lidar

Contact person:
Aldo Amodeo

The scanning UV Raman lidar system (mod. LR111-D200, Raymetrics) has been designed to provide elastic (355 nm), Raman (387 nm) and depolarization (355 nm) measurements for the characterization of the atmospheric particles. The system is operative since 2019.

The system is in biaxial configuration and is based on a Nd:YAG laser source emitting radiation at 355 nm, with 20Hz repetition rate, with 20 Hz repetition rate.

Two Cassegrain telescope (with diameter 200 mm ad focal length 800 mm) collects the backscattered radiation from the atmosphere to cover an altitude range from 350m (minimum full overlap altitude) up to at least 18km.

Optical channels are available at 355 nm (parallel and perpendicular polarization) and 387 nm.

The polarization calibrator is based on the ± 45° technique.

Detection is performed by means of photomultipliers for all the other wavelengths. Acquisition is operated in simultaneous analog and photoncounting modes for the other wavelengths. The vertical resolution of the raw profiles is 7.5m.

The system is mounted on a tracker that allows scanning measurements. It is easily transportable and is remotely controlled with the possibility to schedule measurement sessions and check the status of the system.