GPS antenna/receiver Trimble L1/L2 GPS antenna
Contact person:
Aldo Giunta

It is a Trimble L1/L2 Dorne Margolin element with chokerings. The GPS system is part of RING (Rete Integrata Nazionale GPS) since January 2009, for geodetic research, and is part of the NOAA GPS-Met network since June 2011, for meteorological research more related to the main activity of the observatory.
In April of 2014, NOAA/OAR/ESRL Global Systems Division (GSD) and Trimble, in collaboration with Earth Networks, Inc. (ENI) signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to transfer the existing NOAA GPS-Met Data Acquisition and Processing System (GPS-Met DAPS) technology to a commercial Trimble/ENI partnership.*
* Transition of NOAA’s GPS-Met Data Acquisition and Processing System to the Commercial Sector: Inital Results – 2015EGUGA..17.4186J