The paper “E. Lapenna, A. Buono, A. Mauceri, I. Zaccardo, F. Cardellicchio, F. D’Amico, T. Laurita, D. Amodio, C. Colangelo, G. Di Fiore, A. Gorga, E. Ripepi, F. De Benedictis, S. Pirelli, L. Capozzo, V. Lapenna, G. Pappalardo, S. Trippetta, L. Mona. ICOS Potenza (Italy) Atmospheric Station: A New Spot for the Observation of Greenhouse Gases in the Mediterranean Basin. Atmosphere, 16(1), 57., 2025.“ is the cover story of the latest Atmosphere issue, Atmosphere, Volume 16, Issue 1 (January 2025).
Standardized and high-precision measurements of greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are of pivotal importance in the effort to determine short- and long-term trends in atmosphere quality. In Europe, atmospheric observatories are not equally distributed in the northern and southern regions of the continent, and southern areas are affected by notable gaps in the distribution of such stations. The new Potenza Class 1 station is now being constructed to expand existing Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) research infrastructure. In this research paper, the characteristics of the site, together with the infrastructural and instrumental setups of the new ICOS POT station, are presented. We also discuss the results of preliminary CO2 and CH4 measurements performed during a summer campaign. View this paper.