CAMS 21b
Provision of ACTRIS Aerosol Observations – (Profiles)
On 1st December 2019, CNR-IMAA signed a contract with European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) about the Provision of ACTRIS aerosol observation profiles to the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS).
ACTRIS-A pro CAMS is a pilot project for the ACTRIS/EARLINET data provision to CAMS. This contract will develop the system for the data provision to CAMS. ACTRIS-A pro CAMS will put in place a first provision for a set of selected stations and it will demonstrate the feasibility of fully traceable and quality controlled data provision for the whole network.
CAMS21b aims to design, test and set up the provisioning to CAMS of quality controlled ACTRIS/EARLINET products in Real Real Time/Near Real Time. The activities will be focused on the automatic centralized data processing and data provision, ensuring the full traceability of the products from the data acquisition level up to the final quality controlled data level. The system for automatic data processing and provision will be firstly designed, then developed and tested on a first test station and finally implemented for a group of 9 stations representative of the whole network in terms
In synthesis, this contract aims to put in place an efficient system for the ACTRIS aerosol profile provision to ECMWF. In case this will be considered valuable from ECMWF the system could then run in the future under a further contract where the stations will need support for running the systems and handling the effective provision. The follow up of this current contract with a second one would see a completely different budget balance with more budget for the stations (to be defined based on the effective resolution-sampling schema defined) and a considerably reduced budget (compared to the current one) for the ACTRIS DC node (CNR).
The first contract CAMS21b has a duration of 13 months: CNR-IMAA is the Lead contractor and responsible of the implementation of the pilot under the technical and scientific coordination of Dr. Lucia Mona. A total number of 9 stations distributed from Southern Europe to Northern Europe, from the Iberian Peninsula until stations in the East will provide the observations. The contract foresees at the beginning 2 sub-contractors: CNRS and DWD for supporting the link with a companion contract with ECMWF for the provision of aerosol in-situ data and for supporting CNR in implementing centralized processing, respectively. In second phase, other subcontractors will be art of a second contract (Jan 2021-June 2021) for performing observations, so that during the second phase the following institution/station will perform lidar measurements for CAMS21b aims: CNR, Potenza, (Italy); CNRS, Palaiseau, (France); DWD, Hohenpesseinberg, (Germany); INOE, Bucharest, (Romania); NOA, Antikythera, (Greece); TROPOS (Germany), Limassol, (Cyprus); University of Granada, Granada, (Spain); University of Warsaw, Warsaw, (Poland), FMI, Kuopio, (Finland).
For information:
Lucia Mona
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi Ambientale
C.da S. Loja 85050 Tito Scalo (Potenza) – Italy
E-mail: lucia.mona@imaa.cnr.it
Web: http://www.imaa.cnr.it | http://www.ciao.imaa.cnr.it
Media contact:
Nuria Lopez
Communications Account Officer and Press Lead
Copernicus-ECMWF Communications Team
E-mail: Copernicus-press@ecmwf.int
Tel: +44 (0)118 949 9778 | ECMWF- Shinfield Park, Reading, RG2 9AX, UK
Web: http://atmosphere.copernicus.eu | http://climate.copernicus.eu|ecmwf.int
Twitter:@CopernicusECWF | Instagram:@copernicusecmwf | LinkedIn: Copernicus ECMWF
Centralized data processing and curation system
Under construction
Within CAMS21b, the data provision will start with a reference station and then it will involve 9 selected stations (figure 1):
- Potenza station (reference station), (Italy) – CNR;
- Palaiseau station (France) – CNRS;
- Hohenpeissenberg station (Germany) – DWD;
- Bucharest station (Romania) – INOE;
- Antikhytera station (Greece) – NOA;
- Limassol station (Cyprus) – TROPOS;
- Granada station (Spain) – University of Granada;
- Kuopio station (Finland) – FMI;
- Warsaw station (Poland) – University of Warsaw.

The station selection is based on 3 main criteria:
1) geographical coverage;
2) technical diversity of the systems;
3) internal resource availability.
The group of stations will provide a good coverage of the European continent which will represent a good ensemble of the different potential scenarios in terms of aerosol content from desert dust aerosol, to volcanic eruption, forest fires and local pollution.
The diversity in terms of lidar systems is important for testing the data flow and the processing chain for different technical set ups for the exportability of the system to the whole network.
Finally, in addition to the resources provided by the CAMS21b contract, the activities will rely on the internal resources of the involved group.
Communication and dissemination
- https://www.cnr.it/it/news/9207/il-cnr-imaa-tra-i-lead-contractors-del-copernicus-atmospheric-monitoring-service (Announcement on the institutional national CNR website of the signature of the agreement – 7 February 2020)
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