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As a part of the PRO-ICOS MED project, instrumentation will be acquired so that the CIAO observatory can become a level-1 continental-type atmospheric station. In particular, all the instrumentation to perform mandatory measurements and part of the recommended measurements will be acquired.

Among the requirements established by ICOS for continental-type atmospheric stations, there is the sampling  at different altitudes where the sampling highest altitude must be at least 100 m from the ground. In order to make the Potenza site compliant with ICOS specifications, it is therefore necessary to acquire a specified tower designed for such sampling. The instrumental equipment includes: a 100 m high tower; a CO2/CH4/CO analyzer; sampling systems for composition analysis at the calibration center with related flasks and sampling system for 14C at the University of Heidelberg; 222Rn analyzer; N2O/CO analyzer; system for measuring the structure of the boundary layer and meteorological stations for multi-level measurements in addition to the gas distribution system.

The role and potential of the ICOS atmospheric site at CIAO was presented during the webinar: L’infrastruttura di ricerca ICOS: un’opportunità per il territorio regionale”* held on November 20, 2020. 

* = The file “” linked in this document can be now downloaded from this link: Progetto torre ICOS