The paper “E. Lapenna, A. Buono, A. Mauceri, I. Zaccardo, F. Cardellicchio, F. D’Amico, T. Laurita, D. Amodio, C. Colangelo, G. Di Fiore, A. Gorga,…
The event was organized and hosted by CNR-IMAA. Over 200 participants, researchers from all over Europe, attended. This great opportunity for exchange contributed to the…
29/04/2024 On April 29th, Cnr-Imaa hosted a delegation of French students and teachers from the Lycée polyvalent, Lycée “Louis Armand” in Nogent-sur-Marne (France) for the…
Mercoledì 6 marzo, si è tenuto presso il CNR-IMAA il workshop “L’impatto socioeconomico delle infrastrutture di ricerca: evidenze e aspetti metodologici per la valutazione di…
Il giorno 27 febbraio, a partire dalle ore 09:30, si terrà – presso la Sala Conferenze dell’Area Territoriale di Ricerca di Potenza C.da Santa Loya,…
Step 1a of the labelling process for the initial acceptance of the CIAO station as an ACTRIS National Facility observatory platform for the aerosol in-situ…
After years of work, the opening ceremony of the ICOS Atmospheric tower in Potenza was held on July 26th, 2023. The tower was realized thanks…
CNR-IMAA – C.da S.Loja Tito (PZ) Agenda 9:30 – 11:30 Presentazioni delle National Facilities nazionali Coffe break 11:50-12:00 Attività di Comunicazione di ACTRIS-IT 12:00-12:30 Aggiornamento sull’establishment di ACTRIS ERIC 12:30-13:15 Progetti in corso e…
ITINERIS – WP4 physical meeting 3-4 July 2023 CNR-IMAA, Contrada Loya, 85050 Tito (PZ) Download the meeting agenda:
The annual ACTRIS Data Centre workshop was hosted by CNR in Potenza, Italy, during June 5-7, 2023. The workshop was a great success, with active…