OSCAR (Observation System for Climate Application at Regional scale)
Operational Program ERDF Basilicata 2007 – 2013 (Projects for European territorial collaboration)
OSCAR (Observation System for Climate Application at Regional scale) aims at the design of a portable prototype system for the study of correlations among the trends of several Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) and the change in the amount of solar radiation incident at the ground level. The final goal of this project is to provide a user-friendly low cost solution for the quantification of the impact of regional climate variability on the device efficiency for the exploitation of natural sources (i.e. solar energy), and on the occurrence of severe meteorological weather events as well as of huge dust outbreaks over the Mediterranean Basin.
The system prototype will be delivered along with a software able to retrieve correlations between the investigated variables and to quantify the impact of regional climate on radiation as well as to assess potential trends over long term.
The ECVs relevant for the purpose of this project are:
– Cloud fraction
– Cloud height
– Cloud frequency
– Integrated water vapour
– Surface solar irradiance
– Aerosol optical depth
Along with these variables other relevant quantities will be investigated such as:
– Backscattering coefficient
– Visibility (fog)
– Rain gauge
– Surface weather parameters
Requirements for the measurements of ECVs will agree with those described in GCOS-134 report, while other quantities will be measured with high quality sensors using metrological calibrations standards.
The project has four main activities:
1. identification of the minimum number of atmospheric variables to measure to study the regional climate variability;
2. design and implementation of an integrated prototype system for the observation of the atmospheric parameters needed to characterize the impact of climate variability at the regional scale;
3. Development of an algorithm for the estimation of impact of climate variability on the surface solar irradiance;
4. Study of the correlation among all the variables observable by the prototype system, severe weather events, surface radiation fluxes, and large aerosol outbreaks (e.g. Saharan dust).
The design study will be performed on the basis of historical measurements performed at CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory (CIAO). Measurements from satellite and data from models will be also considered as ancillary to the study, above all, to fill in the gaps of historical ground based datasets.
The prototype integrated systems will be designed to be operated over long term with high stability and accuracy. Both the prototype and the algorithm will be designed in a user-friendly way to be used and exploited by regional agencies for their own specific purposes. In the first phase of the project, the sensors to be integrated will be selected among the most accurate, low cost and long term stability sensors available worldwide (lidar, GPS, radiometers, surface weather sensors, nubiscope, …). They will be also partly design by the project participants.
OSCAR approved project (Oct. 2013 – Dec. 2015)
Area di Ricerca del CNR, Tito Scalo (PZ)
10:00 Meeting Registration
10:30 Welcome addresses
Patrizia Minardi (Responsible of Managing Authority OP ERDF Basilicata Region 2007-2013)
Vincenzo Lapenna (IMAA Director)
10:45 OSCAR project
Fabio Madonna (CNR-IMAA): Project Presentation
Ewan O’Connor (Finnish Meteorological Institute): Cloud-radiation interaction
11:20 Coffee break
11:35 CNR activities related to OSCAR project
Marco Rosoldi (CNR-IMAA): IMAA activities on the study of clouds
Carmela Cornacchia (CNR-IMAA): CNR activities in Basilicata for energy: future perspectives
Daniele Trucchi (IMIP-CNR): Innovative conversion technologies for solar concentrating systems and development of an outdoor solar concentration lab
12:20 Conclusion remarks
13:00 Lunch
Project abstracts at International Conferences
OSCAR was presented with a talk at the DUST2014 conference (Download)
The development of the prototype was presented with a poster at the EGU2015 Conference (Download)
The first results of the OSCAR project were presented at EAC2015 Conference
Output A1: Quicklooks
Retrieval of cloud radiance and optical depth
Quicklooks of cloud properties as retrieved from the radar
Quicklooks of GPS Integrated water vapor data
Radiosonde vertical profiles of pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind
Quicklooks of multi-wavelength Raman lidar measurements
Output B1 (includes Output A3): Software for the use of OSCAR station
Output A2: Handbook of OSCAR station
Output B2: Test of OSCAR prototype station
Output C2: Traceable chain for OSCAR station
Annex to Output C2: I II III IV
Output A4: Aerosol-Rain interactions
OSCAR project – Final Workshop – 20 January 2016
The main objectives of the final workshop is to introduce the participants to the main results of the OSCAR (Observation System for Climate Application at Regional scale) project but also to stimulate a discussion regarding the need of an integrated approach combining science and social media in the network and infrastructure planning, design and management.
The natural evolution of the market towards the creation of more accurate low-cost sensors characterized by an easy implementation within measurements networks allows a widespread availability of the collected information through the social media.
Research and monitoring information can be available for several applications also to a single citizen in real-time and with limited costs. The creation of a multi-disciplinary laboratory at CNR to investigate renewable energies will be also part of the final discussion.
9:00 Introduzione e saluto (A. Bernardo, AdG Basilicata; V. Lapenna, CNR-IMAA)
9:10 OSCAR project: overview (F. Madonna, CNR-IMAA)
9:30 OSCAR: prototype design (M. Rosoldi, CNR-IMAA)
9:50 OSCAR: software and inter-comparisons (F. Amato, CNR-IMAA)
10:10 Aerosol-precipitation interactions (P. Gumà-Claramunt, CNR-IMAA)
10:30 Impact of thin clouds on the SW radiation budget (S. Lolli, NASA-JCET)
11:00 Science – Social approach to UE projects (A. Manfredi, ENG consulting)
11:20 Innovative Solid-State Conversion Technologies for Solar Concentrating Systems (D.
Trucchi, CNR-ISM)
11:40 Il progetto ALADIN (L. Donvito, TeRN – Digimat)
12:20 La sfida dell’integrazione nell’agricoltura intelligente (S. Titomanlio, Space engineering)
12:40 Discussion time: tavola rotonda moderata dal direttore del CNR-IMAA (V. Lapenna), con la partecipazione delle istituzioni regionali e delle realtà aziendali.
13:30 Conclusioni
Operational Program ERDF Basilicata 2007 – 2013 (Projects for European territorial collaboration)
OSCAR (Observation System for Climate Application at Regional scale) aims at the design of a portable prototype system for the study of correlations among the trends of several Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) and the change in the amount of solar radiation incident at the ground level. The final goal of this project is to provide a user-friendly low cost solution for the quantification of the impact of regional climate variability on the device efficiency for the exploitation of natural sources (i.e. solar energy), and on the occurrence of severe meteorological weather events as well as of huge dust outbreaks over the Mediterranean Basin.
The system prototype will be delivered along with a software able to retrieve correlations between the investigated variables and to quantify the impact of regional climate on radiation as well as to assess potential trends over long term.
The ECVs relevant for the purpose of this project are:
– Cloud fraction
– Cloud height
– Cloud frequency
– Integrated water vapour
– Surface solar irradiance
– Aerosol optical depth
Along with these variables other relevant quantities will be investigated such as:
– Backscattering coefficient
– Visibility (fog)
– Rain gauge
– Surface weather parameters
Requirements for the measurements of ECVs will agree with those described in GCOS-134 report, while other quantities will be measured with high quality sensors using metrological calibrations standards.
The project has four main activities:
1. identification of the minimum number of atmospheric variables to measure to study the regional climate variability;
2. design and implementation of an integrated prototype system for the observation of the atmospheric parameters needed to characterize the impact of climate variability at the regional scale;
3. Development of an algorithm for the estimation of impact of climate variability on the surface solar irradiance;
4. Study of the correlation among all the variables observable by the prototype system, severe weather events, surface radiation fluxes, and large aerosol outbreaks (e.g. Saharan dust).
The design study will be performed on the basis of historical measurements performed at CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory (CIAO). Measurements from satellite and data from models will be also considered as ancillary to the study, above all, to fill in the gaps of historical ground based datasets.
The prototype integrated systems will be designed to be operated over long term with high stability and accuracy. Both the prototype and the algorithm will be designed in a user-friendly way to be used and exploited by regional agencies for their own specific purposes. In the first phase of the project, the sensors to be integrated will be selected among the most accurate, low cost and long term stability sensors available worldwide (lidar, GPS, radiometers, surface weather sensors, nubiscope, …). They will be also partly design by the project participants.
OSCAR approved project (Oct. 2013 – Dec. 2015)
Area di Ricerca del CNR, Tito Scalo (PZ)
10:00 Meeting Registration
10:30 Welcome addresses
Patrizia Minardi (Responsible of Managing Authority OP ERDF Basilicata Region 2007-2013)
Vincenzo Lapenna (IMAA Director)
10:45 OSCAR project
Fabio Madonna (CNR-IMAA): Project Presentation
Ewan O’Connor (Finnish Meteorological Institute): Cloud-radiation interaction
11:20 Coffee break
11:35 CNR activities related to OSCAR project
Marco Rosoldi (CNR-IMAA): IMAA activities on the study of clouds
Carmela Cornacchia (CNR-IMAA): CNR activities in Basilicata for energy: future perspectives
Daniele Trucchi (IMIP-CNR): Innovative conversion technologies for solar concentrating systems and development of an outdoor solar concentration lab
12:20 Conclusion remarks
13:00 Lunch
Project abstracts at International Conferences
OSCAR was presented with a talk at the DUST2014 conference (Download)
The development of the prototype was presented with a poster at the EGU2015 Conference (Download)
The first results of the OSCAR project were presented at EAC2015 Conference
Output A1: Quicklooks
Retrieval of cloud radiance and optical depth
Quicklooks of cloud properties as retrieved from the radar
Quicklooks of GPS Integrated water vapor data
Radiosonde vertical profiles of pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind
Quicklooks of multi-wavelength Raman lidar measurements
Output B1 (includes Output A3): Software for the use of OSCAR station
Output A2: Handbook of OSCAR station
Output B2: Test of OSCAR prototype station
Output C2: Traceable chain for OSCAR station
Annex to Output C2: I II III IV
Output A4: Aerosol-Rain interactions
OSCAR project – Final Workshop – 20 January 2016
The main objectives of the final workshop is to introduce the participants to the main results of the OSCAR (Observation System for Climate Application at Regional scale) project but also to stimulate a discussion regarding the need of an integrated approach combining science and social media in the network and infrastructure planning, design and management.
The natural evolution of the market towards the creation of more accurate low-cost sensors characterized by an easy implementation within measurements networks allows a widespread availability of the collected information through the social media.
Research and monitoring information can be available for several applications also to a single citizen in real-time and with limited costs. The creation of a multi-disciplinary laboratory at CNR to investigate renewable energies will be also part of the final discussion.
9:00 Introduzione e saluto (A. Bernardo, AdG Basilicata; V. Lapenna, CNR-IMAA)
9:10 OSCAR project: overview (F. Madonna, CNR-IMAA)
9:30 OSCAR: prototype design (M. Rosoldi, CNR-IMAA)
9:50 OSCAR: software and inter-comparisons (F. Amato, CNR-IMAA)
10:10 Aerosol-precipitation interactions (P. Gumà-Claramunt, CNR-IMAA)
10:30 Impact of thin clouds on the SW radiation budget (S. Lolli, NASA-JCET)
11:00 Science – Social approach to UE projects (A. Manfredi, ENG consulting)
11:20 Innovative Solid-State Conversion Technologies for Solar Concentrating Systems (D.
Trucchi, CNR-ISM)
11:40 Il progetto ALADIN (L. Donvito, TeRN – Digimat)
12:20 La sfida dell’integrazione nell’agricoltura intelligente (S. Titomanlio, Space engineering)
12:40 Discussion time: tavola rotonda moderata dal direttore del CNR-IMAA (V. Lapenna), con la partecipazione delle istituzioni regionali e delle realtà aziendali.
13:30 Conclusioni